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Parent Links

    Parent Links


    We recommend that you go to and click ‘Forgot your password?’, and use the email address you have provided on the student enrolment form to create your account. This is where you will be able to view your child’s profile, and update your details. Arbor will gradually replace other systems as we transition over fully throughout this academic year. 

    Parent Mail

    ParentMail is our platform for communicating with parents and accepting online payments via ParentMail+Pay, you will receive an invite to register.

    Just follow this link for more information or to register.
    Download the app to instantly receive school messages, complete forms, make online payments and add money to your child’s dinner money account.

    From 8th November 2021, RHSC is operating a cashless canteen system and all payments must be made online. This does not affect those entitled to a free school meal.

    If you have any difficulties please email


      Our Schools

      Synergy Multi-Academy Trust comprises fifteen Norfolk schools serving children between the ages of 2 and 18. Our schools work collaboratively together to raise standards and provide education of the highest possible standard, offering the best of opportunities for pupils. The Trust was initially established in 2015. We believe that all of our schools have strengths and areas to develop, and that all can improve through sharing expertise and wisdom. The Trust understands that there will be excellent practice in each school, and that every school will be able to contribute to the development of the Trust as a whole.

      Our Schools

      Synergy Multi-Academy Trust comprises fifteen Norfolk schools serving children between the ages of 2 and 18. Our schools work collaboratively together to raise standards and provide education of the highest possible standard, offering the best of opportunities for pupils. The Trust was initially established in 2015. We believe that all of our schools have strengths and areas to develop, and that all can improve through sharing expertise and wisdom. The Trust understands that there will be excellent practice in each school, and that every school will be able to contribute to the development of the Trust as a whole.

      Student area  Parent area